Friday, December 13, 2013

The Spirit behind the Message.

One of my fears with starting this Social Media Push as missionaries is that now that my profile name has Elder in front that people will automatically assume that I am trying to push my religion onto all my Facebook friends. Though I have been set apart to preach the Gospel, I still "believe in what I'm selling," you might say. If I send you a Facebook message saying that I want to share something or would like to teach you about what I believe, trust me, its not because I think of you as some statistic.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the most important thing to me. Its made me who I am and has brought me more joy and happiness than I could have even imagined. Its changed my life and has blessed me in ways that I could only want for my friends and their families. My greatest fear is that I'm going to meet one of you on the other side and you'll come up to me and ask "Why didn't you tell me?"

I know that this Gospel is true. I know that it is by having our faith in Jesus Christ that we can repent. We can be baptized for a remission of sins by someone holding the same priesthood authority that Jesus Christ held. I know that we can have the power of God in our life, which is the Gift of the Holy Ghost, which is received by the Laying on of hands, by the same authority. If we keep his commandments, we can inherit Eternal Life, that is living with our Heavenly Father and our families forever, which is the Greatest of all the Gifts of God.

I hope that this will help. God Bless

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